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Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Beginnings

It's been almost a year and I have accumulated quite a supply of greenware.  My new Bailey Potter's wheel is a dream!!  So glad I bought the two side worktables with it.  It's a Pro-X which is probably way more wheel than I'll ever need, and is serving me well.  eeeew, the brown clay is making it look so messy!   I usually use mid-range porcelain and cone 6 stoneware but decided to experiment with the brown (Standard 266) for the fun of it.  
     The brown clay seems to inspire me to be more creative and freer with textures and forms than I am when I use the white clays.  I feel compelled to create more delicate refined forms with white. 

     As a beginner I am practicing as many forms as I can.  I've decided to try all the lessons in the Clay Times magazine.   I've done two so far. 

I'm glad I'm not a production potter--can't make the same thing twice, either spiritually or physically!  ttfn


  1. A friend of mine who owns a gallery saw these on my news feed last month and wanted to know who you were and if you were in the North Country. His gallery is in Cape Vincent, NY. Not close to WV, unfortunately.

  2. But, close to Rochester, NY!!! One more reason to visit!! Not to mention the International Museum of Ceramic Art at Alfred University!!
