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Sunday, September 30, 2012

17th Glaze Firing

This firing was a relatively small load, several things were being refired in hopes of correcting flaws. The two brown bowls were refired in an effort to close the small craters that had formed in the bottom of the insides. The Red Gold (Coyote Cone 6) glaze has a penchant for these small craters. Well, the firing closed the craters, but in doing so, the yellow elements of the glaze slid down to the center leaving the rims a bit rough. The yellow on the outsides slid down and drooled on the shelf and pooled at the base of one. I was able to use my Dremel to grind them smooth, but it is not pretty. They will be FFUO (For Family Use Only).
This little set of six bowls is for me a great accomplishment!!! Six matching pieces, in size, shape, weight, and COLOR! Wow! Can't wait to have company and serve fruit salad or ice cream. It was a stroke of good luck that when I thinned the Light Blue Shino (Coyote Cone 6) I did it before the last dip of every bowl so they all have the chocolate brown streak on one side. I'd forgotten that the thinned LBS fires out brown. Too much to remember.
This vase is made with Standard #266 dark brown clay and glazed with Pistachio Shino Coyote Cone 6 glaze. It is a double walled vase made after the teaching article in Pottery Making Illustrated (sorry don't recall the issue no. but it was this year). It matches my plates and cups so will be used on the table with that setting!
Now that I've figured out the new Blogger format for posting, perhaps I'll do a little better at keeping up with it. The weather is perfect and I'm going outside to play. ttyl

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